Independence Day Speech 2021 In English For School Students | School Bell




day is the most important day in the history of India. India got freedom from Britishers on 15 August 1947 since then every year on 15 August Independence day is celebrated by each and every Indian. In this post, I am presenting you the Independence Day Speech 2021 in English for school students. On the occasion of Independence day of India, cultural programs are organized in every school,
college, and offices. Students present many programs with Independence day speech on 15 August refreshing the memory before 1947. Teachers also participate and share their thoughts about the importance of Independence day by giving Independence day speech. The respected chief guest, Principle teachers, and my all lovely friends wish you a very good morning. today we are gathered here to celebrate the most important national festival in our country. As we know Independence Day is the best occasion on which we express our happiness of getting free. It is the most important Day of each and every Indian and this day has already written as the most valuable day of India.  

This is the day when after a long struggle of our great freedom fighters against Britishers, India got freedom. To remember the 15 August 1947, Day of Independence, every year we all Indian celebrate this as an anniversary. And also we remember the great Indian leaders who sacrificed their lives to get India free from Britishers. From the British rule, India got freedom on 15 August 1947. After freedom, every Indian got basic rights what every human need for the nation and motherland. We should feel proud to be an Indian and we should feel lucky to birth in a free India. History of slave India explains everything that how our freedom fighters struggled against Britishers and faced their cruelty. 




First Freedom Fight

We just can’s imagine just sitting here and thinking that how difficult was to get India free from Britishers. Indian fought from 1857 to 1947 and it took millions of freedom fighters life for getting this Independence.  The history begins to raise voice against Britishers when a British army man started the movement against them. After that many leaders of India struggled against them for freedom of India and just sacrificed their age. We can never forget Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Khudiram Bose, and Chandra Shekhar Azad who sacrificed their lives at a very
low age for India’s freedom. How can we ignore the greatest name Netaji and Mahatma Gandhi? Mahatma Gandhi was a great man who taught India about Nonviolence.  He was the only leader of India who shows the path to fight against Britishers with Nonviolence. And finally
after a very long struggle against British rulers the day came on 15 August when India got total freedom. And that’s what the called Independence Day of India.



We are very
lucky that our ancestors gave us the land where there are peace and happiness.
Where we can live life without any fear and go to school and establish a good
career and life.

India is
developing very fast in the field of technology, education, finance, defense,
and agriculture. Without free India, it could not be possible.  In
some countries, India also has nuclear power.

India is
participating in the Olympics, Commonwealth games, Asian games actively and
proving the guts that we can also compete for the world in each and every
sector. We are free to select government for us and we are the biggest
democratic country in the world.

Yes we are free
and we love our country but it is our responsibility to prove our love and
complete all responsibilities as an Indian. As an Indian, we should always
ready to face any emergency in our country so that we can fight together
against them.

teachers, guardians, and my friends wish you a very happy morning. We are here
to celebrate Independence Day as a very 
occasion because on this day 15 August 1947 after a very long struggle India
become free from Britishers.

This day is celebrated with great excitement and happiness because living
like a slave was very painful. We are here to celebrate the 71st anniversary of
Independence Day of India.

This Day is
very big and important Day for each and every Indian. Indian people endure Britisher’s
cruelty for a very long duration. Now we all are free and free for our own
rights and can beat any country in the world in any sector like sports,
education, finance etc.


Our Ancestors Struggling Life

This is just
because our ancestors sacrificed their lives struggling with cruel British
rulers.  Before 1947 each Indian was a slave to the British Empire and
even they didn’t have their control in their own mind and body.

All were the
slave and can do anything only when get ordered from Britishers. Today we are
all free to do anything just because our great Indian leaders fought against
the British Empire and they didn’t care about their own lives. They struggled
against the British Empire for a very long time and for many years they had
been fighting against them.

With great
happiness, 15 August is celebrated as Independence Day of India everywhere in
the country. 15 August is very important to every Indian citizen because on
this day we remember our leaders who just lived their life for own country and
made India free and because of them, we born in a free India.

During British
rule, Indian could not be able to wear good clothes, eat good food, or educate
themselves. These were extremely prohibited for Indian. Even an Indian could
not live a normal life under the British rule. We should be very very thankful
to the great Indian leaders who gave us an air which is free from any rule and
any dictatorship ruler.



The Great Indian Leaders sacrifice

Mahatma Gandhi,
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Ashfaqullah Khan, Chandrashekhar
Azad, Khuduram Bose, Bal Gangadhar Tilak are some of the great Indian freedom
fighters. These are very famous freedom fighters of India who fought until
their last breathe to make India a free Nation.

We can’t even
imagine how fearing those moments were under the British Empire. Their control
over everywhere made Indian people like who can’t even become happy in life.
After Independence India is becoming developed very fast.

India is now
has become a developed country and known as the biggest democracy.
Mahatma Gandhi was the biggest leader of India who shown people of India the
path where anyone can fight against an enemy with peace and Nonviolence. Gandhi
saw the nation’s future with non-violence.

India is our
motherland and we are the citizen of this country. We should always protect the
harmony of our country from the enemy. This is our responsibility to lead our
country to become the superpower of the world and make it the best.

The honorable
chief guest, respected teachers, guardians, and my lovely friends, wish you a
sweet morning to all of you. I would like to congratulate all of you for
Independence Day of India. We all know why have we gathered here in a large
number of crowd. For celebrating our Independence Day with a special way with
great excitement we are here.

It is the 71
anniversary of Independence Day for our Nation. First of all, we hoist our
National flag on this occasion and salute to our all leaders who contributed
with their lives to set India free from Britishers.  This makes me feel
proud to be an Indian.

I have got a
golden opportunity to give you an Independence Day speech in front of the Indian
people. I would like to congratulate my respected class teacher for giving me a
chance to present my point of views on Independence Day. We all celebrate 15
August as an Independence Day of India because on the same day in 1947 India
got free from Britishers. This was a very long struggle against the British
Empire to make India a free Nation. I took almost 200 years of time where
Indian people became the slave to British rule.

After the
freedom, Nehru gave a speech from Redfort. When the whole world was
sleeping, Indian were struggling for their lives and freedom. Now after
freedom, India is the biggest democratic country in the world. Unity in
diversity is the biggest identification of India. Many times it has been
attacked for separating people but always India has become more united.


The struggle of Our great Indian Leaders

It was a very
long journey of struggle against the British Empire for making India a free
Nation. It is not just a one night result. We are lucky that we got such
leaders who did not care about their own lives and family. They just lived for
Nation and died for Nation. Their dream of making India an Independent country
became true on 15 August 1947.

Our one Day
salute is nothing against what they did and sacrificed. Because of their
struggle we are breathing in an Independent India. We can never ever forget
their sacrifice for the country. In one day it is not possible to remember each
and every freedom fighter’s contribution but we can salute them and respect

Bhagat Singh,
Rajguru, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, are
some of the great Indian freedom fighters. Their life was completely dedicated
to the country. We want to remember them and salute them for their sacrifices
and struggle.




After Freedom Development Of India

It is the
result of our freedom fighters that today we have a become the fast-growing
Nation. We are nowhere lagging behind from the other countries of the world.
India is competing others in sports, finance, defense, and knowledge. The
education system is also getting improved. In my Independence Day speech, I
would like to highlight some points which show the development of our country.

Education is
the most important medium to make people aware of anything. So the programme
made by Indian leaders to educate whole India. ISRO Indian Space Research
Organisation has also achieved many milestones. India sent Chandrayan as an
important Mission to land on the Moon.

Mangalyan was
also sent to Mars planet for getting more information about that planet. So
India is also making marks in heart of the world. Our scientists are also
contributing their knowledge and making impossible possible.

Today on the
occasion of Independence Day of India we promise that we always protect our
country by educating ourselves and educate everyone.  This is our leaders
who will be remembered every year for what they did. With these last words, I
would like to finish my Independence Day Speech, ” Thinking can’t change
anything If you want to change anything, then you have to do hard work and your
hard work will change that.”

Jai Hind

Jai Bharat.


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