Maths Tricky Riddles With Answers #riddles
👉 What is 1/2 of 1/4 of 2/9 of 3/7 of 84?
✅ 1
👉 Can you write down eight eights so that they add up to one thousand?
✅ 888+88+8+8+8 = 1000
👉 How many sides does a circle have?
✅ Two . The inside and the outside.
👉 How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
✅ Once , because after you substract it ‘s not 25 anymore.
👉 If a girl blows 18 bubbles,Then pops 6 eats 7 and then her pops 5 and blows 1. How many are left?
✅ 1
👉 A sphere has three, a circle has two, and a point has zero. What is it?
✅ Dimensions.
👉 Add the number to the number itself and then multiply by 4. Again divide the number by 8 and you will get the same number once more. Which is that number?
✅ Any number
👉 Tom was asked to paint the number of plates on 100 apartments which means he will have to paint numbers 1 through 100. Can you figure out the number of times he will have to paint the number 8?
✅ 20 Times
👉 A grandfather, two fathers and two sons went to the movie theater together and everyone bought one movie ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?
✅ 3 (the grandfather is also a father and the father is also a son)
👉 I am a three-digit number. My second digit is 4 times bigger than the third digit. My first digit is 3 less than my second digit. Who am I?
✅ 141
👉 If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What number is this?
✅ Zero.
👉 Peter was asked how old he was. His reply was like this “In a period of 2 years my age will be twice my age when you asked this five years ago” How old is he?
✅ 12
👉 Mary has 7 daughters and each of them has a brother. Can you figure out the total number of kids Mary have?
✅ 8 kids because the sisters have just one brother in common
👉 Eight years ago, Bill was eight times the age of his son Bill Jr. Today, if you add their ages together, they add up to 52. How old are Bill and his son?
✅ Bills is 40. and Bills Jr . is 12.
👉 In an alien land far away, half of 10 is 6. If the same proportion holds true, then what is 1/6th of 30 in this alien land?
✅ 6
👉 How can you add eight 4s together so that the total adds up to 500?
444+44+4+4+4 = 500
👉 Jennifer passed away at a very old age on her 26th birthday. How can this be?
✅ She was born on February 29th of a leap year.
👉 If four men can build four tables in four hours, how many tables can eight men build in eight hours?
✅ 16 tables.
👉 There are 2 ants in front of 2 other ants, 2 ants behind 2 ants and 2 ants next to 2 ants. How many total ants are there?
✅ Four ants, standing in a square formation.
👉 It takes the town hall clock 6 seconds to strike 4 o’clock in the afternoon. How long does it take to strike midnight?
✅ 22 seconds.
Maths Tricky Riddles Maths Tricky Riddles Maths Tricky Riddles Maths Tricky Riddles Maths Tricky Riddles Maths Tricky Riddles