Number Riddles with Answers for Kids
#riddles #numberriddles #riddlesforkids
Q. What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down?
Ans : The number nine
Q. There is a man with his horse going to town. The man went to the town on Monday. He stayed there for 3 days and then he came back on Friday. How? His horse was not tired, the man wasn’t sleepy.
Ans : The horse’s name was Friday.
Q. What do the numbers 11 and 88 have in common?
Ans : They both look the same upside-down and backward.
Q. I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
Ans : Seven
Q. If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?
Ans : Nine
Q. A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs. As she is going home, all but three eggs break. How many eggs are left unbroken?
Ans : Three
Q. What did the triangle say to the circle?
Ans : You’re pointless.
Q. Eggs are $0.12 a dozen. How many eggs can you get for a dollar?
Ans : 100 eggs, at one penny each
Q. Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
Neither—they both weigh a ton.
Q. If there are three apples and you take away two, how many apples do you have?
Ans : You have two apples.
Q. How many months of the year have 28 days?
Ans : All of them, because every month has at least 28 days.
Q. When things go wrong, what can you always count on?
Ans : Your fingers
Q. You’re sitting down for breakfast and realize you have 4 bagels left. You know you’ll run out in four days so you cut them in half. How many bagels do you have now?
Ans : 4 Bagels
Q. If you multiply this number by any other number, the answer will always be the same. What number is this?
Ans : Zero
Q. What did one math book say to the other math book?
Ans : Do you want to hear my problems?
Q. How did the soccer fan know before the game that the score would be 0-0?
Ans : The score is always 0-0 before the game.
Q. A man has 9 children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible?
Ans : They are all boys.
Q. In an odd little town, was an odd little stream with odd little fish in an odd little team. A stranger approached a local fisherman, and asked him how much his odd little fish weighed. The odd little man replied, “All the fish in this stream weigh exactly 1/2 of a pound plus 1/2 of a fish.” Isn’t that odd? How many pounds does an odd little fish weigh?
Ans : One
Q. How many sides does a circle have?
Ans : Two, the inside and the outside
Q. If there are four sheep, two dogs and one herds-men, how many feet are there?
Ans : Two because sheep have hooves, dogs have paws, only people have feet.
Q. A boy blows 18 bubbles,
Then pops 6 eats 7,
And then he pops 5 and blows 1.
How many are left?
Ans : 1
Q. Why are 1999 ten-pound notes worth more than 1993 ten-pound notes?
Ans : Because there are more of them
Q. One year has 365 days. How many seconds are in a year?
Ans : 12 (the second day of each month)
Q. You have a basket with 20 apples. You have 20 hungry children. Every child should get an apple but one apple should remain in the basket. How do you do that?
Ans : You give 19 children one apple each and you give the last one the basket containing the last apple.
Q. How do you divide 10 apples into 11 people?
Ans : You make applesauce.